To Be or Not to Be Scientific Is Not the Question

A Science Scholar’s Challenge for the Study of Religion


  • Lieve Orye KU Leuven



science, religion, Latour, history of ideas


In The Archive we republish an article that, in hindsight, may have been ahead of its time with its prescience. Our second pull for this issue is a 2005 piece from Lieve Orye where he discusses the intricacies of categorizing religious studies as an art or a science. He endeavors to find out if the field should be studied with a scientific approach. Orye posits that maybe this is not even a question we should be asking. This piece was originally published in Council for the Societies for the Study of Religion Bulletin 34.1–2, 14–18.


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Orye, Lieve. 2005 “Reappropriating ‘religion’? Constructively reconceptualising (human) science and the study of religion. “Method and Theory in the Study of Religion.

Skomal, Susan. 1995. “Science in Anthropology.” Anthropology Newsletter 36.7: 1, 5.

Traweek, Sharon. 1996. “Commentary, Science in Anthropology: Definitions.” Anthropology Newsletter 37/3: 48.

Viveiros de Castro, Eduardo. 2003. AND. Manchester Papers in Social Anthropology. Manchester: University of Manchester.

Wiebe, Donald. 1991. The Irony of Theology and the Nature of Religious Thought Montreal. McGill-Queen’s University Press.

Wuthnow, Robert. 2004. “Is There a Place for ‘Scientific’ Studies of Religion?”





The Archive


How to Cite

Orye, L. (2023). To Be or Not to Be Scientific Is Not the Question: A Science Scholar’s Challenge for the Study of Religion. Bulletin for the Study of Religion, 51(3-4), 119-125.