A Cautionary Tale from Testosterone An Unauthorized Biography


  • Craig Martin St. Thomas Aquinas College




Craig Martin, Rebecca Jordan-Young, Katrina Karkazis, testosterone, biomedical sexism, biology, medicine, male privilege, sexism, estorgen, violence, crime, definition, assumptions


Craig Martin reviews Testosterone: An Unauthorized Biography (Harvard University Press 2019) by Rebecca M. Jordan-Young and Katrina Karkazis. Testosterone examines the history and uses of the hormone in biomedical research. Conventionally understood as the male sex hormone, Martin learns that the construction of this idea is far more complicated and marred by politics of classification and definition. Martin suggests that Jordan-Young and Karkazis’ study models the kind of questions schoalrs of religion would do well to ask about their own data.

Author Biography

  • Craig Martin, St. Thomas Aquinas College

    Craig Martin, Ph.D., is Professor of Religious Studies at St. Thomas Aquinas College. His work focuses on method and theory in the study of religion, as well as discourse analysis and ideology critique of modern rhetoric on religion. His recent works include Capitalizing Religion: Ideology and the Opiate of the Bourgeoisie and A Critical Introduction to the Study of Religion.


Jordan-Young, Rebecca M., and Katrina Karkazis. Testosterone: An Unauthorized Biography. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press 2019.



How to Cite

Martin, C. (2021). A Cautionary Tale from Testosterone An Unauthorized Biography. Bulletin for the Study of Religion, 49(3-4), 23-24. https://doi.org/10.1558/bsor.18851