Collusion or Critique?

Reading the Exorcism of Mary Magdalene through a Postcolonial Optic


  • Tyler M. Tully University of Oxford



Spirit Possession, Mary Magdalene, First Century Judea and Palestine, First Jewish Revolt, Demonic Possession, Postcolonial Hermeneutics, Gender


While a variety of sources explore the character of Mary Magdalene and her popularly conceived configurations throughout history (Maisch 1998; King 2003, 2006; Jean-Yves 2002; Mead 2005; Kiely 2010), little attention has been paid to her representation in the Gospel of Luke, specifically her scant exorcism and possession narratives. Drawing upon contemporary archaeological insights and historical and textual sources, this article reconstructs an image of Mary before exploring her presentation in the canonical and non-canonical accounts of the first two centuries CE. Working with similar methodologies pioneered by Stephen D. Moore (Moore 2004) and Virginia Burrus (Burrus 2009), in conversation with Mary L. Keller’s (Keller 2002, 2015) theoretical framework of spirit possession, this article investigates the possession and exorcism narratives of Mary Magdalene in Luke’s gospel from a postcolonial optic.

Author Biography

  • Tyler M. Tully, University of Oxford

    Tyler M. Tully is an American writer, doctoral student, and theologue whose work has been featured in local and national news sources including Real Clear Religion and Al Jazeera. A distinguished graduate of Our Lady of the Lake University with a BA in Religious Studies and Theology, Tyler later earned a Master of Divinity degree with Distinction at The Chicago Theological Seminary in Hyde Park. Tully is the current Arthur Peacocke Scholar in Theology and Science at Exeter College, Oxford, completing his DPhil under the supervision of Donovan O. Schaefer and Graham Ward. His current research critically engages the human, worldviews, and the new materialisms in religion's ecological turn. Tyler is a perpetual member of the Alpha Chi National Honor society and a member of the NAASR and the AAR.


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How to Cite

Tully, T. M. (2020). Collusion or Critique? Reading the Exorcism of Mary Magdalene through a Postcolonial Optic. Bulletin for the Study of Religion, 48(3-4), 26-40.