Christus Virgo

Representations of Christ as a Virgin in Early Christianity and Late Antiquity


  • Sissel Undheim University of Agder



virginity, sexuality, Christ, gender


The description of Christ as a virgin, 'Christus virgo', does occur at rare occasions in Early Christian and late antique texts. Considering that 'virgo' was a term that most commonly described the sexual and moral status of a member of the female sex, such representations of Christ as a virgin may exemplify some of the complex negotiations over gender, salvation, sanctity and Christology that we find in the writings of the Church fathers. The article provides some suggestions as to how we can understand the notion of the virgin Christ within the context of early Christian and late antique theological debates on the one hand, and in light of the growing interest in sacred virginity on the other.


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How to Cite

Undheim, S. (2012). Christus Virgo: Representations of Christ as a Virgin in Early Christianity and Late Antiquity. Bulletin for the Study of Religion, 41(2), 22-27.