More Christian Apocrypha


  • Tony Burke York University



Apocrypha, good thief, Book of the Rolls, Infancy Gospel of Thomas, dialogue of the Paralytic with Christ, Life of John the Baptist, Serapion, Letter from Heaven, canon


Scholars interested in the Christian Apocrypha (CA) typically appeal to CA collections when in need of primary sources. But many of these collections limit themselves to material believed to have been written within the first to fourth centuries CE. As a result a large amount of non-canonical Christian texts important for the study of ancient and medieval Christianity have been neglected. The More Christian Apocrypha Project will address this neglect by providing a collection of new editions (some for the first time) of these texts for English readers. The project is inspired by the More Old Testament Pseudepigrapha Project headed by Richard Bauckham and Jim Davila from the University of Edinburgh. Like the MOTP, the MCAP is envisioned as a supplement to an earlier collection of texts—in this case J. K. Elliott’s The Apocryphal New Testament (Oxford 1991), the most recent English-language CA collection (but now almost two decades old). The texts to be included are either absent in Elliott or require significant revision. Many of the texts have scarcely been examined in over a century and are in dire need of new examination. One of the goals of the project is to spotlight the abilities and achievements of English (i.e., British and North American) scholars of the CA, so that English readers have access to material that has achieved some exposure in French, German, and Italian collections.

Author Biography

  • Tony Burke, York University

    Associate Professor, Department of Humanities, York University, Canada.


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Tischendorf, Constantin von. 1876 (1853). Evangelia Apocrypha. 2nd ed. Leipzig: H. Mendelsohn.






How to Cite

Burke, T. (2012). More Christian Apocrypha. Bulletin for the Study of Religion, 41(3), 16-21.