“And Take Your Invisible Friends with You"

Atheist Comedy and Religious Conversation (May Contain Offensive Language)


  • Douglas E. Cowan Renison University College, University of Waterloo




stand-up comedy, humour and religion


Douglas E. Cowan responds to other articles published in this special issue of Bulletin.

Author Biography

  • Douglas E. Cowan, Renison University College, University of Waterloo

    Douglas E. Cowan is Professor of Religious Studies, Renison University College, University of Waterloo, Canada.


Berger, Peter L., and Thomas Luckmann. 1966. The Social Construction of Reality: A Treatise on the Sociology of Knowledge. London: Penguin Books.

Butler, Ivan. 1969. Religion in the Cinema. New York: A. S. Barnes.

Caplan, Jennifer. 2013. “Baal Sham Tov: Woody Allen’s Hassidic Tale-Telling.” Bulletin for the Study of Religion 42.

Connolly, Billy. 2007. Was It Something I Said?” Live comedy concert recorded in Adelaide, Australia

Cowan, Douglas E. 2003a. Bearing False Witness: An Introduction to the Christian Countercult. Westport, Conn.: Praeger.

———. 2003b. The Remnant Spirit: Conservative Reform in Mainline Protestantism. Westport, Conn.: Praeger.

Feltmate, David. 2013. “Cowards, Critics, and Catholics: The Catholic League for Religious and Civil Rights, South Park, and the Politics of Religious Humor in the United States.” Bulletin for the Study of Religion 42.

Jaffe, Jerry C. 2013. “’I needed to go to this tabernacle of ignorance’: Marc Maron’s Critique of the Creation Museum.” Bulletin for the Study of Religion 42.






How to Cite

Cowan, D. (2013). “And Take Your Invisible Friends with You": Atheist Comedy and Religious Conversation (May Contain Offensive Language). Bulletin for the Study of Religion, 42(3), 32-36. https://doi.org/10.1558/bsor.v42i3.32