An Urgent Need to Consider How to Define Islamophobia


  • Göran Larsson University of Gothenburg
  • Åke Sander University of Gothenburg



Definitions of Islamophobia, hate crimes, sociological definitions, Islam and Muslims


This short discussion article addresses both the problem/s of defining Islamophobia and the ways in which our definitions impact on how we see the world and by what method/s the social problem of Islamophobia is measured. Because of growing internal tensions among Muslims in the world and because of the politicised nature of Islam and Muslims in the West, we argue that there is a growing need to consider how Islamophobia should be defined.

Author Biographies

  • Göran Larsson, University of Gothenburg

    Göran Larsson is Professor of Religious Studies at the University of Gothenburg, Sweden.

  • Åke Sander, University of Gothenburg

    Åke Sander is Professor of Behavioral Studies of Religion at the University of Gothenburg, Sweden.


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How to Cite

Larsson, G., & Sander, Åke. (2015). An Urgent Need to Consider How to Define Islamophobia. Bulletin for the Study of Religion, 44(1), 13-17.