Emoji Dei

Religious Iconography in the Digital Age


  • Méadhbh McIvor University of Groningen
  • Richard Amesbury Clemson University




Emoji, Digital Media, Hijab


A recent proposal to create a hijab emoji raises interesting questions about the place of "religion" among the colorful pictographs that increasingly punctuate our texts, emails, and social media posts. In this exploratory article, we offer some preliminary – and, of necessity, inchoate – reflections on religious representation in the digital age and outline possible avenues of research for colleagues and students to pursue. Of crucial importance, we argue, are what religiously-themed emoji might suggest about the default world in which they operate; a default, we submit, that functions to affirm the normative ascendance of the secular.

Author Biographies

  • Méadhbh McIvor, University of Groningen

    Assistant Professor of Religion, Law and Human Rights, University of Groningen

  • Richard Amesbury, Clemson University

    Professor of Philosophy and Religious Studies, Clemson University


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How to Cite

McIvor, M., & Amesbury, R. (2017). Emoji Dei: Religious Iconography in the Digital Age. Bulletin for the Study of Religion, 46(3-4), 56-61. https://doi.org/10.1558/bsor.32715