The Nature and Function of the Religious Studies Book Review

Structure, Function, and Pedagogy


  • Philip L. Tite University of Washington



book reviews, religious studies, scholarship, teaching


This essay (as part of the Editor's Corner) offers an overview of the book review as a tool for teaching, researching, and engaging in scholarly conversations. It functions as a guide for those entering academic publishing and is designed as a resource for students and instructors.


Author Biography

  • Philip L. Tite, University of Washington

    Philip L. Tite is an Affiliate Lecturer at the University of Washington and an adjunct instructor at Seattle University in Seattle WA USA. He holds a PhD degree from McGill University (2005) and has authored several books and articles. His most recent books include The Apocryphal Epistle to the Laodiceans: An Epistolary and Rhetorical Analysis (TENT, 7; Leiden: Brill Academic Publishers, 2012) and Valentinian Ethics and Paraenetic Discourse: Determining the Social Function of Moral Exhortation in Valentinian Christianity (NHMS, 67; Leiden: Brill Academic Publishers, 2009). As a specialist in the study of early Christianity, in particular Valentinian Gnosticism, Tite has strong interests in elucidating social processes at work in the study of religious phenomena. He also has strong interests in method and theory, religion and violence, and pedagogical issues in the academic study of religion.


Davies, Philip. 2015. The History of Ancient Israel: A Guide for the Perplexed. London: Bloomsbury.

Robbins, Vernon. 1996. The Tapestry of Early Christian Discourse: Rhetoric, Society, and Ideology. London: Routledge.






How to Cite

Tite, P. (2019). The Nature and Function of the Religious Studies Book Review: Structure, Function, and Pedagogy. Bulletin for the Study of Religion, 47(3-4), 30-36.