The First Chillies in the Far East


  • Andrew Dalby Independent Scholar Author



capsicum, chilli peppers, migration of food plants, Columbian exchange, Philippines


Discussion of the earliest recorded dates for the knowledge and use of chillies in the Far East; evidence for the view that they first reached the Philippines in the late sixteenth century with the Spanish trans-Pacific voyages.

Author Biography

  • Andrew Dalby, Independent Scholar

    Andrew Dalby writes on food history, always working from original sources. He studied at St John’s College, Cambridge, and University College London. He lives in France, grows fruit and makes cider. A part-time PhD at Birkbeck College, London, was his introduction to food history. His dissertation was revised as Siren Feasts (Routledge, 1996), and in the same year he and Sally Grainger published The Classical Cookbook (British Museum Press, 1996). Later food history books include Food in the Ancient World from A to Z (Routledge, 2003), Flavours of Byzantium (Prospect Books, 2003), The Shakespeare 
    Cookbook (with Maureen Dalby: British Museum Press, 2012) and Gifts of the Gods (with Rachel Dalby: Reaktion Books, 2018). He has translated three source texts, all published by Prospect Books: Cato On Farming (1998), Geoponika: Farm Work (2011), and The Treatise of Walter of Bibbesworth (2012).


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How to Cite

Dalby, Andrew. 2024. “The First Chillies in the Far East”. Petits Propos Culinaires, November, 12-17.