Exemplifcation in a phraseological dictionary

an extended illustration model


  • Joanna Szerszunowicz The University of Bialystok




Phraseological dictionary, Lexicography, Phraseological unit, Illustrative material, Example


Illustrative material constitutes an important part of a lexicographic entry. It ofers dictionary users the possibility to learn how the units are used, enabling them to develop a better understanding of the word or phrase presented in a lexicographic work. On the basis of the prior literature, this paper aims to ofer new insights into the selection and presentation of illustrative material in phraseological dictionaries. Since dictionaries show a range of approaches, diferent stands on exemplifcation are presented. The illustrations are discussed according to particular types of lexi? cographic works. Another aspect taken into consideration is the lexicographers’ attitude to translating examples in bilingual dictionaries. On the basis of a review of the prior literature, recommendations are made for the quantitative and qualitative extension of illustrations. A model for presentation of extended illustrative examples is proposed: the model allows for providing dictionary users with diferent categories of illustrations, for instance, examples in which the canonic form is used and those which employ modifcation of it; or illustrations which come from various sources, grouped in sections like press, literature, etc. Since one of the problems related to exemplifcation is insufcient cultural context, the model includes a selection of links to the cultural references to the phraseological unit described in the entry. An evaluation of the proposed model is also presented.


Dictionaries and corpora cited and their abbreviations

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How to Cite

Szerszunowicz, J. (2018). Exemplifcation in a phraseological dictionary: an extended illustration model. Lexicography, 5(1), 35-54. https://doi.org/10.1007/s40607-018-0045-y