Claiming the Researcher’s Identity

Anthropological Research and Politicized Religion


  • Martijn de Koning Radboud University Nijmegen
  • Edien Bartels VU University Amsterdam
  • Daniëlle Koning VU University


Islam, Netherlands, religious organizations, social work, students, youth


In this chapter we will discuss the consequences for doing research in the case of a topic and field that has become subject to intense public debate. In three cases involving research on Islam and Muslims we will take up questions pertaining to inter-subjectivity, and show how research on public issues, the relation between the worldviews of informants and those of the researcher, and processes of inclusion and exclusion during fieldwork are influenced by the politicization of Islam. We show how sudden changes in the societal context influence local identifications and allegiances. In our cases these changes produced a politicization of the field which, in turn led to the construction of the researchers as ‘natives’ by the informants. We argue that a reflection on this construction is necessary in order to better analyse processes of signification among informants and render a more adequate representation of the researched.


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Fieldwork in Religion
