Response to Hijazi’s “The Ground of Our Being: Muslim Heritage, Identity and Connectedness – A Personal Reflection”


  • Jeffrey Cohen University of New South Wales
  • Dexter Duncan Islamic Council of New South Wales


Islam, Muslims, spiritual care, chaplaincy


This article is a response to the personal reflection of Mohammad Ali Hijazi titled The Ground of Our Being: Muslim heritage, identity and connectedness (located within this edition of HSCC). As a critique of Hijazi’s article, the authors (a Jew and a Muslim) provide a collaborative rejoinder that addresses five main issues, namely, the historical relationship between Islam and non-Muslims, victimhood experiences by Muslims and other migrants, pastoral issues and evangelism, issues of social justice and spiritual care to Muslims.

Author Biographies

  • Jeffrey Cohen, University of New South Wales

    Jeffrey Cohen is Senior Visiting Fellow at the University of New South Wales, Kensington, NSW, Australia, and previously Director of Pastoral Resources for Missouri's Department of Mental Health.

  • Dexter Duncan, Islamic Council of New South Wales

    Dexter Duncan was previously Muslim Chaplain at the South East Sydney Area Health Service, Randwick, NSW, Australia and previously Islamic Council of NSW Muslim Chaplain Coordinator.


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Health & Social Care Chaplaincy
