Interreligiosity as a Realist Learning Engagement

Theodore Abu Qurrah and 'Ali b. Rabban al-Tabari-Two Comparative Theologians from Early Islam?


  • Najib George Awad Hartford Seminary


Alī b. Rabbān al-Ṭabarī, Theodore abu Qurrah


The comparative theologian, Francis X. Clooney, once opined that much recent comparative theology is done with Hinduism and Buddhism, and Islam is hardly gaining a proportionately sufficient attention in this scholarship. This essay aims at contributing to the attempt at filling-in the gap of doing comparative theology in relation to Islam. I pursue this task by studying fi al-Din wa-l-Dawlah (On Religion and State) by the Muslim 'Ali b. Rabban al-Tabari in comparative conversation with Maymar fi Wjud al-Khaliq wa-l-Din al-Qawym (Maymar on the Existence of the Creator and the Right Religion). by the Christian Theodore Abu Qurrah. It is my goal to shed comparative lights on Wa-l-Din al-Qawim and Al-Din wa-l-Dawlah by observing similarities and differences with regard to the following: the method of verification; the criterion of credibility acknowledged by each; and the telos of verification they seek. Toward the end of the comparison, I reflect briefly on whether or not Abu Qurrah and al-Tabari could be considered comparative theologians of the early Islam/middle Byzantine era and, if so, what kind of "comparative theology" are they presenting in their legacies?

Author Biography

  • Najib George Awad, Hartford Seminary

    Associate Professor of Christian Theology and Early Christianity in Hartford Seminary, CT USA


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Interreligious Studies and Intercultural Theology
