Engaging the Religious Life

Abu-Rabi' as Public Intellectual


  • David J. Goa Chester Ronning Centre for Religion and Public Life
  • Norton Mezvinsky Connecticut State University


Ibrahim Abu-Rabi‘, Middle Eastern Studies, contemporary Muslim thought, Christian-Muslim relations, political Islam, international relations


Ibrahim Abu-Rabi‘ (1956–2011) was an accomplished scholar of political Islam with numerous peer-reviewed articles and nineteen books, as well as translations of books in English into Urdu, Turkish, Arabic, Bosnian, and German as well as translations from Arabic into English. His intellectual work on religion was carried out from within the academy, out in the public square and in connection with religious communities from the Azores to Yemen. In this article David Goa and Norton Mezvinsky provide a brief overview of the challenges Abu-Rabi‘ faced both within a Canadian University and in the broader Muslim community. They reflect on their own experience of working with Abu-Rabi‘ as a public intellectual willing and able to engage the relevance of religious life as he built strong relationships across diverse sectors locally, nationally and internationally.


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Fish, Stanley. “One University Under God?” Chronicle of Higher Education. 7 January, 2005. http://chronicle.com/article/One-University-Under-God-/45077/ (4 September 2013).

“University of Alberta Mandate,” approved by the Minister of Alberta Enterprize and Advanced Education on July 17, 2009. Alberta Enterprize and Advanced Education, Post-Secondary Institutions, Publically Funded Institutions, Institutional Mandates. http://eae.alberta.ca/media/277211/ualberta.pdf, accessed on September 5, 2013






Religious Studies and Theology
