Underlying Factors of Creative Thinking as a Foundation for Creative Writing Pedagogy


  • Fredricka K Reisman Drexel University Author




creativity, innovation, torrance tests of creative thinking, reisman diagnostic creativity assessment


This article integrates a research foundation in creativity with practical applications to writing pedagogy. A creativity assessment based upon the work of Torrance and Guilford and designed for diagnosing rather than predicting individual creative thinking strengths is presented along with tools and techniques for enhancing creative writing pedagogy and an analysis of student comments from an online Master’s program in Creativity and Innovation.

Author Biography

  • Fredricka K Reisman, Drexel University

    Fredricka K. Reisman holds a Ph.D. in Mathematics Education from Syracuse University and is Professor and Director of the Drexel Torrance Center for Creativity and Innovation at Drexel University. Dr. Reisman is founding director of the Drexel School of Education and oversees the Master in Creativity and Innovation degree and certificates in the Goodwin College of Professional Studies. She is president of the American Creativity Association and has authored a trilogy on teaching mathematics creatively with E. Paul Torrance. She is grateful for her 30 year friendship and collaboration with E. Paul Torrance commencing with her academic appointments at the University of Georgia and continuing until his death in 2003.


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Research Matters

How to Cite

Reisman, F. K. (2012). Underlying Factors of Creative Thinking as a Foundation for Creative Writing Pedagogy. Writing and Pedagogy, 4(2), 233-262. https://doi.org/10.1558/wap.v4i2.233