Using the PhD Thesis Introduction as a Heuristic Device for Supporting the Writing of a Thesis


  • James Donohue The Open University Author



genre, social semiotics, phd thesis, systemic functional linguistics, theme-rheme, film studies, discursive knowledge


This article explores the role of a thesis introduction in establishing the contribution of the thesis to its field of study and how the introduction might be exploited by the writer of the thesis and their supervisor to scaffold the thesis writing process. The focus is on how the introduction realizes a conceptual map of the field of the thesis, a series of speech acts, and a text which construes the conceptual map of the field and the relevant speech acts by means of its method of development. A second focus is on how these aspects of the introduction can serve as heuristic devices which can be used to generate versions of the introduction and to project the structure of the entire thesis.

Author Biography

  • James Donohue, The Open University

    Jim Donohue is Head of OpenELT in the Department of Languages at the Open University, United Kingdom, where he is involved in writing and researching online and distance courses in English for Academic Purposes (EAP) and English for Specific Purposes (ESP). He holds a PhD (University of Bedfordshire) for research he carried out into the use of systemic functional linguistics and genre-based approaches in academic literacy teaching and learning in the Film Studies field.


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Research Matters

How to Cite

Donohue, J. (2010). Using the PhD Thesis Introduction as a Heuristic Device for Supporting the Writing of a Thesis. Writing and Pedagogy, 1(2), 195-226.