Conversion Careers and Culture Politics in Pentecostalism

Time, Space and Mobility in Four Continents


  • Henri Gooren Oakland University


Conversion, time, mobility, Pentecostalism


The “Conversion Careers” research proposal had as central question: In their operating on the religious market, what is the culture politics followed by Pentecostal churches and how is this connected with their members’ conversion careers? Five qualitative research projects explored this question on four continents, studying Brazilian forms of Pentecostalism in Mozambique, Korean Pentecostalism in Japan, immigrant Pentecostalisms in the Netherlands, non-denominational Pentecostalisms in the Netherlands, and Protestant and Roman Catholic forms of Pentecostalism in Nicaragua. This article presents results for the comparative themes of time, space and mobility. In this context it also addresses culture politics, organizational structure, church cells, church leadership, church growth, and the use of modern mass media in Pentecostal evangelization worldwide.


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