Aspiring Narratives of Previous Births in Written and Visual Media from Ancient Gandhara


  • Jason Neelis Wilfrid Laurier University



Jātaka, Avadāna, Pūrvayoga, Buddhist manuscripts, Buddhist art, Gandhara


A wide range of practices emerged for venerating the Buddha’s embodied presence in textual and visual relics.This article considers ways in which hagiographical narratives of previous births preserved in written and visual media may be considered as embodiments in Dharma (Dharmakaya). The study focuses on Gandhara Buddist manuscipts with abbreviated written summaries of narratives labeled as Avadanas and Purvayogas. Results of a survey of images identified as Jatakas in Gandharan art are also integrated for a comprehensive understanding of the iconic function of rebirth narratives, which were emplaced in the sacralized landscape of the Northwest.


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