Daoist Writs and Scriptures as Sacred Beings


  • Jihyun Kim Seoul National University




Daoist Scripture, Sacred Writs, Veneration of Scripture, Visualization, Recitation, Qi


The formation and solidification of canonical scriptures in Daoism facilitated the establishment and development of the religious tradition. In particular, medieval Daoism was grounded on a unique conception of writs and scriptures. The Daoist concept of scripture is founded on a belief system in which letters and sounds are particular forms of qi, or the omnipresent “pneuma and energy.” Such a way of thinking provides a lead for understanding the Daoist veneration of scriptures and other various practices. The aim of this paper is to explore the characteristics of Daoist canonical scriptures as “sacred beings,” mainly through an investigation of the Daoist perspective on scriptures, scripture-worship, and the relationship between scripture and practice.


DZ. Work number of The Taoist Canon. 2008. Schipper, Kristofer and Franciscus Verellen, eds. Chicago. University of Chicago Press.

DZ97. Spontaneously Created Jade Characters and Esoteric Sounds of the Various Heavens (Taishang dongxuan lingbao zhutian neiyin ziran yuzi).

DZ104. Sounds and Meanings and Jade Instructions of the Perfected Scripture of the Great Cavern of Highest Clarity (Shangqing dadong zhenjing yujue yinyi).

DZ164. Genealogy of the Three Worthies of Highest Clarity (Shangqing sanzun pulu).

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