Conceptualizing Motherhood in Yoga

Pregnancy-Oriented Iyengar Yoga


  • Agi Wittich The Hebrew University of Jerusalem Author



Iyengar yoga, women, gender, pregnancy yoga, prenatal yoga


Prenatal yoga classes have become widespread worldwide. Still, while scientific studies examined the benefits of such practices, the conceptual and sociocultural meanings still need to be studied. This paper focuses on pregnancy-oriented Iyengar yoga, which includes pre-conception, prenatal and postnatal yoga practices developed in the Iyengar Yoga school. Interestingly, while these practices are seen as ideal for pregnant and postpartum women, they contrast with what is perceived as an ideal yoga practice. Thus, pregnancy-oriented Iyengar Yoga reveals a shift in purpose from achieving an excellent and advanced yoga practice to the health of female yoga practitioners and their children in a modern lifestyle setting. The findings of this paper are based on my doctoral research, and draw on textual analysis of over fifty relevant Iyengar yoga publications, and qualitative interviews with thirty-seven Iyengar Yoga teachers and four members of the Iyengar family between 2015 and 2019.

Author Biography

  • Agi Wittich, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem

    Dr. Agi Wittich holds a PhD in Comparative Religion from the Hebrew University of Jerusalem. Her research focuses on the intersection of Hinduism and gender, and specifically on the impact of yoga on women in the global tradition of Iyengar Yoga. She is a recognized expert in her field and has been invited to present lectures at prestigious international conferences and has published extensively in scholarly journals and is co-editing a forthcoming book entitled Remarkable Women in South Asian Religious Traditions with Routledge.


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How to Cite

Wittich, A. (2024). Conceptualizing Motherhood in Yoga: Pregnancy-Oriented Iyengar Yoga. Religions of South Asia, 18(1-2), 124-144.