Who Was it Was Cursed by the First Sloka Verse?


  • Simon Brodbeck Cardiff University Author




allegory, blame, niṣāda, Rāmāyaṇa, Vālmīki


This article explores the scene in Ramayana 1.2 where a hunter kills a crane and Valmiki curses the hunter. The curse is explored as a stand-in for Valmiki’s composition and Rama’s education, prompted by Sita’s suffering at Valmiki’s ashram. The first half of the article discusses, but does not apportion, the blame for Sita’s abandonment. The second half discusses the blame for Sita’s suicide.

Author Biography

  • Simon Brodbeck, Cardiff University

    Simon Brodbeck is a reader in religious studies at Cardiff University.


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How to Cite

Brodbeck, S. (2022). Who Was it Was Cursed by the First Sloka Verse?. Religions of South Asia, 16(2-3), 158–183. https://doi.org/10.1558/rosa.24399