Pasupata Yoga and the Art of Dying

With Specific Reference to the Pasupatasutra, Ratnatika and Skandapurana


  • Arinde Jonker Independent scholar Author



Pāśupata, Śaivism, yoga, utkrānti, death, Skandapurāṇa


This paper researches the relation between yoga and death in the early Saiva tradition of the Pasupatas, based on three Pasupata sources: the Pasupatasutra, the Ratnatika and the Skandapurana. The paper presents an analysis and interpretation of textual passages that treat the last moment of the life of a Pasupata ascetic in order to find out whether or not his death can be interpreted as a form of ‘self-induced yogic death’. Following the analysis of the primary sources, it will become clear that yoga and death stood in a much closer relation than one might expect.

Author Biography

  • Arinde Jonker, Independent scholar

    Arinde Jonker completed a BA in religious studies and a ResMA in Asian studies at Leiden University. She studied Sanskrit under the guidance of Professor Peter Bisschop and Professor Jonathan Silk. In the course of her studies she developed an interest in the academic study of the history of yoga, especially in relation to Pāśupata Śaivism.


Primary Sources

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How to Cite

Jonker, A. . (2021). Pasupata Yoga and the Art of Dying: With Specific Reference to the Pasupatasutra, Ratnatika and Skandapurana. Religions of South Asia, 15(1), 67–88.