The Criticism of Theism in the Sravakabhumi of the Yogacarabhumi


  • Keiki Nakayama Kyoto University Author



Buddhism, Yogācāra, Yogācārabhūmi, Śrāvakabhūmi, creator, Īśvara


According to some Indian theists, Isvara or Brahman is the absolute and the creator of the world, an idea that was criticized by Buddhists from the earliest times. This paper considers how Buddhists, particularly the Yogacara school, refute the existence of God as a creator in connection with practice. It seems that all Buddhist sects prove that no universal creator exists, using logical arguments against non-Buddhists. Previous studies have elucidated the proof of the non-existence of Isvara in the Savitarkasavicaradibhumi section of the Yogacarabhumi, the main Yogacara text. However, little attention has been paid to another section, the Sravakabhumi, in which a yoga practitioner uses logical reasoning (anumana) to deal with the denial of Isvara in the course of his or her practice of impermanence (anitya). The Sravakabhumi, probably completed at the earliest stage of compilation of the Yogacarabhumi, describes the practice that could lead to liberation according to the teaching of the Sravakayana. I demonstrate that the Sravakabhumi treats the denial of Isvara as a part of practice, not just as an intellectual exercise aimed at refuting non-Buddhists, and shows the place of discussion of this topic in Buddhist practice.

Author Biography

  • Keiki Nakayama, Kyoto University

    Keiki Nakayama is a PhD student at Kyoto University. His research interests are Yogācāra philosophy, particularly the idea of impermanence (anitya), and his publications include ‘Mundane Path and Nirvāṇa in the Śrāvakabhūmi of the Yogācārabhūmi’ (Journal of Indian and Buddhist Studies 68(3), 2020) and ‘A Preliminary Survey on the Structure of the Paryāyasaṃgrahaṇī: With its Special Focus on the *Pheṇapiṇḍasūtra’ (Journal of Indian and Buddhist Studies 69(3), 2021).


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How to Cite

Nakayama, K. . (2021). The Criticism of Theism in the Sravakabhumi of the Yogacarabhumi. Religions of South Asia, 15(1), 32–47.