Ontological Transformations in Hindu Tantric Ritualisms of Kathmandu Valley

A Neurocognitive Perspective about Self and Bodies


  • Fabio Armand Université Catholique de Lyon Author




Newar, Hindu Tantric ritual, Himalayan shamanism, incorporation of numinous ontologies, neurocognitive anthropology, Nepal (Kathmandu valley)


Rituals of incorporation (utarnu) of numinous ontologies in Himalayan Tantric ritualisms represent an interesting field for developing a reflection on different phenomenologies of the body. From the physical body of the tantrika (Tantric practitioner), the formal remains of an individual atman-Self, I investigate the experiences that make it a receptacle for a numinous Other. This article is an attempt to identify some distinctive Tantric features in a ritual practice of incorporation (chema puja) among the Newar communities of the Kathmandu Valley. Such incorporations are supported by an essential narrative link which describes the figure of Siva-Mahadeva as the transmitter of knowledge of tantra-mantra, generating a direct esoteric filiation with the ritual practitioner. Through these incorporation processes, the tantrika achieves a perpetual alternation of two morphologically stable manifestations where the two natures, human and divine, merge into a single form, versus a fragmentation where the two distinct natures remain visible under two Gestalts. By proposing a neurocognitive anthropological approach, I will address the notions of Self and Alien in Hindu Tantric rituals of incorporation, where tantrikas' physical bodies become the encounter spaces where the Self merges and dissolves into the 'numinous' Other, in a bistable mode. In this way, I will be able to reconstruct the neural foundations of these endogenous experiences, mainly localized in the left temporo-parietal junction (TPJ) of the human brain, representing the fundamental core basis of these ritual practices of visualization and merging with a deity in Newar Tantrism and shamanism.

Author Biography

  • Fabio Armand, Université Catholique de Lyon

    Fabio Armand (PhD in Linguistics and in Anthropological Sciences) studies experience centred narratives in transalpine environments (Alps, Nepalese Himalayas). He helped to develop a comparative neurocognitive anthropology, using the BRAINCUBUS model, aiming to bridge field folkloristics and cognitive neuroscience. By taking into account the relationships between the neurocognitive systems of human brains as ontology engines and their inspiration from cultural environments, he investigates the cerebral origins of imaginary ontologies and the neural basis of shamanism(s).


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How to Cite

Armand, F. (2021). Ontological Transformations in Hindu Tantric Ritualisms of Kathmandu Valley: A Neurocognitive Perspective about Self and Bodies. Religions of South Asia, 14(1-2), 41–62. https://doi.org/10.1558/rosa.19320