A Poet with His Philosopher's Hat On

A Preliminary Study of the Philosophical Section In the Seventeenth Canto of Mankha's Srikanthacarita


  • Chiara Livio Sapienza University of Rome Author




Maṅkha, Śrīkaṇṭhacarita, Kashmir, advaita Śaivism, philosophy, inclusivism


The present article is a preliminary study of a section of the seventeenth canto of Mankha's Srikanthacarita, a 'court epic' (mahakavya) in Sanskrit composed during the twelfth century in Kashmir. In the section in question (SKC 17.18-33), the author elaborates a praise of the god in the guise of a philosophical discussion introducing the views of different doctrines, with the scope of establishing the superiority of the 'non-dual' (advaita) Saivism from Kashmir. Mankha, however, does not criticize or diminish the previous traditions but borrows their concepts to enhance his own credo, making the section a successful example of inclusivism. What stands out is Siva's pervasiveness and oneness, which seems to be built upon the model of the philosophical Tantric school of the Pratyabhijna. While presenting the structure of the philosophical section, this study explores the influence of Utpaladeva (c.925-975 ce) and Abhinavagupta (c.975-1025 ce) on Mankha's ideology.

Author Biography

  • Chiara Livio, Sapienza University of Rome

    Chiara Livio obtained a PhD in Asian and African Studies (South Asian section) from Sapienza University of Rome. Her research focuses on Indian poetry (kāvya) and court poems in particular, history of medieval Kashmir and textual criticism.



[B2] = Srikanthacarita. Baroda, Oriental Institute Maharaja Sayajirao. Ms. no. II 8212. Paper, Devanagari script.

[J2] = Srikanthacarita and tika. Jammu, Shri Ranbir Sanskrit Research Institute, Formerly Raghunath Temple Library. Ms. no. 753. Paper, Devanagari script.

[L1] = Srikanthacarita. London, British Library, Formerly India Office Library. Ms. no. 2548. Paper, Devanagari script

[P1] = Srikanthacarita. Pune, Bhandarkar Oriental Research Institute (BORI). Ms. no. 197. Paper, Devanagari script.

[P2] = Srikanthacarita. Pune, Bhandarkar Oriental Research Institute (BORI). Ms. no. 198. Paper, Sarada script.

[P4] = Srikanthacarita. Pune, Bhandarkar Oriental Research Institute (BORI). Ms. no. 200. Paper, Devanagari script.

[S1] = Srikanthacarita. Srinagar, Oriental Research Library. Ms. no. 846.I. Paper, Sarada script.

[S4] = Srikanthacarita. Srinagar, Oriental Research Library. Ms. no. 1194. Paper, Sarada script.

[S5] = Srikanthacarita. Srinagar, Oriental Research Library. Ms. no. 1345. Birchbark, Sarada script.

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How to Cite

Livio, C. (2021). A Poet with His Philosopher’s Hat On: A Preliminary Study of the Philosophical Section In the Seventeenth Canto of Mankha’s Srikanthacarita. Religions of South Asia, 14(1-2), 11–40. https://doi.org/10.1558/rosa.19319