
Europe’s Illusory First Glimpse of the Veda


  • Dermot Killingley Hindu Studies, University of Newcastly upon Tyne Author




francis Whyte ellis, Ezour-Védam, Jesuits, natural religion, Rammohun Roy, Veda, Voltaire


A text in french with the title Ezour-Védam was proclaimed by Voltaire as a sample of ancient indian wisdom. it was soon suspected of coming from a missionary source, and this view has prevailed. in 1817, francis ellis studied and described the collection of texts in Pondicherry to which it belonged, and in 1984 ludo Rocher published the french text with a study of its possible origins. the present article examines the text again, relating it to european thought and Jesuit missionary methods. its reception by Voltaire and others, the meaning of the title, the common description of it as a forged Veda, and a misunderstanding concerning Rammohun Roy, are also discussed.

Author Biography

  • Dermot Killingley, Hindu Studies, University of Newcastly upon Tyne

    Dermot Killingley is one of the editors of RosA. He retired as Reader in Hindu Studies, University of Newcastle upon Tyne. 9, Rectory Drive, gosforth, newcastle upon tyne ne3 1xt


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How to Cite

Killingley, D. (2008). Ezour-Védam: Europe’s Illusory First Glimpse of the Veda. Religions of South Asia, 2(1), 23-43. https://doi.org/10.1558/rosa.v2i1.23