Dialogues with Death

Mara, Yama, and Coming to Terms with Mortality in Classical Hindu and Indian Buddhist Traditions


  • Michael Nichols Saint Joseph's College Author




death, Kaṭha Upaniṣad, Māra, rebirth, Sāvitrī, Yama


This article compares Hindu and Buddhist narratives involving debate or contest with the gods representing death in each respective tradition. In Hinduism, this is Yama, judge and god of the underworld, while in Buddhism, death, as well as the concept of rebirth and, more broadly, samsara itself, is represented by the malign figure Mara. Through a comparison of Buddhist Pali Canon texts to the Hindu Katha Upanisad, the Savitri episode in the Mahabharata, and brief excerpts of Puranas, I argue that both traditions employed a common trope of debate and contest with a god of death, but used that shared device to emphasize doctrinal beliefs and perspectives unique to their respective traditions. This strongly suggests a shared literary heritage between the two traditions of these mythic figures.

Author Biography

  • Michael Nichols, Saint Joseph's College

    Dr Michael Nichols holds a PhD in Religious Studies from Northwestern University. He is currently William E. Johnston Jr Assistant Professor of Religious Studies at Saint Joseph's College (IN). His research focuses on issues in comparative mythology, particularly in South Asia.


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How to Cite

Nichols, M. (2012). Dialogues with Death: Mara, Yama, and Coming to Terms with Mortality in Classical Hindu and Indian Buddhist Traditions. Religions of South Asia, 6(1), 13-32. https://doi.org/10.1558/rosa.v6i1.13