Challenging the Morals of Western Society

The Use of Ritualized Sex in Contemporary Occultism


  • Henrik Bogdan Gothenburg University



Western Society, Contemporary Occultism, Morals, Ritualized Sex, Occultism, Sex


This paper discusses the historical roots of the use of ritualized sex in contemporary occultism, with special focus on the teachings of Aleister Crowley (1875–1947), Gerald B. Gardner (1884–1964) and Kenneth Grant (b. 1924). The notion that sexual magic is related to Hindu Tantric practices is addressed, and a detailed historical development of the use of ritualized sex—as illustrated by Crowley, Gardner, and Grant—is presented.


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How to Cite

Bogdan, H. (2007). Challenging the Morals of Western Society: The Use of Ritualized Sex in Contemporary Occultism. Pomegranate, 8(2), 211-246.