Ancestral Wisdom and Ethnic Nationalism

A View from Eastern Europe


  • Victor Shnirelman



Ancestral Wisdom, Ethnic Nationalism, Eastern Europe, Ancestral, Wisdom, Ethnic, Nationalism


The ideology of contemporary Russian Paganism is analysed as a version of nationalism, ‘nation’ being understood as a primordial ethnic community. The author reveals a mixture of Soviet ideology with fragments of folk beliefs in the contemporary Pagan outlook, which serves as a sort of patriotism after the empire has collapsed and given way to a globalization that challenges national states and ethnic communities. Hence the Russian Pagans’ main goals are to form a ‘stable ethnic community’ and to promote ethnic Russian values.


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How to Cite

Shnirelman, V. (2007). Ancestral Wisdom and Ethnic Nationalism: A View from Eastern Europe. Pomegranate, 9(1), 41-61.