Creativity, Spirituality, and Awen

An Exploratory Study of Learning the Bardic Arts and Eisteddfodau in the Modern Druid Tradition


  • Dana Driscoll Indiana University of Pennsylvania



Druidry, Druid, Druidism, bard, creativity, creative practices, bardic arts, Awen, Eisteddfodau, bardic circle, learning


This study applies learning theory to explore bardic arts (creative practices) in the modern Druid revival movement, offering broad data from nine countries, with 266 surveys and follow-up interviews with fourteen Druids. Through this mixed-methods dataset, the research explores how different Druids take up the bardic arts as a spiritual practice, how they conceptualize “Awen” (divine or creative inspiration), and how bardic arts are central to spiritual life. The study also explores the concept of bardic community through Eisteddfodau, or bardic circles, within US contexts. These circles where bards celebrate with stories, songs, and music. A discussion of overcoming cultural challenges and talent-based mindsets, the role of community in the bardic arts, and a discussion about future possibilities for research is included.

Author Biography

  • Dana Driscoll, Indiana University of Pennsylvania

    Dana Driscoll is a professor of English at Indiana University of Pennsylvania.


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How to Cite

Driscoll, D. (2023). Creativity, Spirituality, and Awen: An Exploratory Study of Learning the Bardic Arts and Eisteddfodau in the Modern Druid Tradition. Pomegranate, 24(1), 41–69.