Haunted Happenings and Hocus Pocus

Memorialization of the Salem Witch Trials—Is Salem Doing Enough?


  • Cheryl Hubbard Chester University




Landscape, Memory, Witch Trials, Salem, Massachusetts, memorialization


The history and fascination of the Salem Witch Trials continues to attract visitors to the American coastal city in Massachusetts. This paper will investigate what has been instigated in the form of memorialization to those that were accused and subsequently executed; nineteen were hanged and one was pressed to death, how has Salem confronted this part of their history?

Author Biography

  • Cheryl Hubbard, Chester University

    Cheryl Hubbard recently completed a master’s degree in the archaeology of death and memory at the University of Chester.


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How to Cite

Hubbard, C. . (2022). Haunted Happenings and Hocus Pocus: Memorialization of the Salem Witch Trials—Is Salem Doing Enough?. Pomegranate, 23(1-2), 166–185. https://doi.org/10.1558/pome.21358