On the Agony of Czech Slavic Paganism and the Representation of One’s Own Funeral among Contemporary Czech Pagans


  • Giuseppe Maiello University of Finance and Administration




Contemporary Czech Paganism, Native Faith, Indo-European ideology, Pagan studies, funerals, qualitative research


At the end of the 1990s in the Czech Republic a significant effort to revitalize the ethnic religion of the Slavs occurred. The emergence of this religious and cultural phenomenon was related in particular to two elements: to a nationalist organization and to a group of students of Slavic Studies in the College of Arts of Charles University in Prague. The study presents-in its first part-the activities of those students, their relationship with the Prague Slavic studies of this particular time and with the Indo-European ideology, which became dominant in the group that emerged after the collapse of the original Czech Rodná víra. In the second part of the study are presented the results of a field research into attitudes of Contemporary Czech pagans towards funeral and especiallytowards their own funeral.

Author Biography

  • Giuseppe Maiello, University of Finance and Administration

    An associate professor at the University of Finance and Administration in Prague,Czech Republic, Giuseppe Maiello is an anthropologist with a strong interest in Pagan studies.


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How to Cite

Maiello, G. (2019). On the Agony of Czech Slavic Paganism and the Representation of One’s Own Funeral among Contemporary Czech Pagans. Pomegranate, 20(2), 137-156. https://doi.org/10.1558/pome.32385

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