A New Ecclesial Landscape

Changes in Numbers of Churches and International Pentecostalism in Stockholm, 1980–2020


  • Magdalena Nordin University of Gothenburg
  • Torbjörn Aronson Scandinavian School of Theology




desecularization, city, Stockholm, Pentecostalism, local international churches, adherents


In recent decades, Swedish society has become religiously diverse. However, it is not known whether this diversity has led to an increase in religion. Research into religious changes in cities shows how religion is still important in shaping them, and the aim of this article is, with a focus on number of local churches, is to explore processes of change in the ecclesial landscape in Stockholm Region. We also conducted an in-depth analysis of how international Pentecostalism is part of these processes. Processes of change in the ecclesial landscape could be seen in Stockholm Region during the 1980–2020 period, with a geographical shift in the number of local churches from northern to southern Stockholm. This shift clearly relates to a decline in the number of older local churches, for example, of the Church of Sweden and Classical Free Churches, and the growth of number of local churches closely related to contemporary immigration, that is Pentecostal, Catholic and Orthodox churches, in which international Pentecostal churches have an important role.

Author Biographies

  • Magdalena Nordin, University of Gothenburg

    Magdalena Nordin is associate professor in sociology of religion at the Department of Literature, History of Ideas, and Religion at Gothenburg University. Her research focus has been about religion and migration focusing on change of religiosity among migrants, religious plurality and public institutions and interfaith dialogue. Among her recent publications we find Migration and Religion, IMISCOE Short Readers (2023); “Veiled Integration: The Use of Headscarves among a Christian Minority in Sweden, in International Journal of Religion (2023) and “Family and the Transmission of Traditions in the Syriac Orthodox Church in Sweden”, in Nordic Journal of Religion and Society (2023).

  • Torbjörn Aronson, Scandinavian School of Theology

    Torbjörn Aronson (b. 1963) is professor-at-large at Southeastern University (Lakeland), professor of church history at Scandinavian School of Theology (Uppsala) and associate professor in the same discipline at Uppsala University. He holds both a PhD in political science (University of Lund) and ThD in church history (Uppsala University). He has taught and conducted research at several universities during more than three decades. His main fields of research in political science are conservatism and nationalism, and in church history they are Lutheran ecclesiology, Pentecostalism, and the relationship between religion and migration.


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How to Cite

Nordin, M., & Aronson, T. (2024). A New Ecclesial Landscape: Changes in Numbers of Churches and International Pentecostalism in Stockholm, 1980–2020. PentecoStudies, 22(1), 14–37. https://doi.org/10.1558/pent.26644