Guest Editorial

Pentecostalism and Lived Religion


  • Julia Kuhlin Uppsala University
  • Yonatan N. Gez Arnold Bergstraesser Institute



Guest Editorial

Author Biographies

  • Julia Kuhlin, Uppsala University

    Julia Kuhlin is a PhD student in history of religions and global Christianity at the Faculty of Theology, Uppsala University. Her doctoral dissertation is an ethnographic study based on field research in India 2016–17 and focuses on the everyday religion of women in middle-class Pentecostal churches.

  • Yonatan N. Gez, Arnold Bergstraesser Institute

    Yonatan N. Gez is a social anthropologist studying international development and religion in East Africa. He currently serves as a Humboldt Fellow at the Arnold Berstraesser Institute in Freiburg (Germany) and as a research fellow at the Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies in Geneva (Switzerland), where he is a deputy PI on a Franco-Swiss research project titled Self-Accomplishment and Local Moralities in East Africa (Project SALMEA). His most recent monograph is Butinage: The Art of Religious Mobility (University of Toronto Press, 2021, co-authored with Yvan Droz, Jeanne Rey and Edio Soares).


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Guest Editorial

How to Cite

Kuhlin, J., & Gez, Y. N. (2021). Guest Editorial: Pentecostalism and Lived Religion. PentecoStudies, 20(2), 121–129.