Towards a Typification of Motivations in Pentecostal Ecstasy


  • Julian Ernesto Cely Universidad Nacional de Colombia
  • William Mauricio Beltrán Universidad Nacional de Colombia



ecstasy, Pentecostalism, ideal types, mysticism, religious experience, trance, Max Weber


This article sketches out a typification of the motivations that lead Pentecostal Christians to seek experiences of religious ecstasy. To this end, it draws on the insights of interpretive sociology, particularly the construction of ideal types. To interpret the information, we draw on the categories set forward in Max Weber’s sociology of religion. The article proposes four pure types of motivation for ecstatic experience: ecstasy as a method of producing a miracle; ecstasy as a method of confirming the Pentecostal path of salvation; ecstasy as a method of sanctification directed towards the earthly realm; and ecstasy as a means of sanctification that allows escape from the earthly realm.

Author Biographies

  • Julian Ernesto Cely, Universidad Nacional de Colombia

    Julian Ernesto Cely is a sociologist, currently taking up a master’s programme on philosophy. His main research interest is interpretive sociology and social phenomenology.

  • William Mauricio Beltrán, Universidad Nacional de Colombia

    William Mauricio Beltrán is sociologist, PhD in Latin American studies and professor at the Universidad Nacional de Colombia. His main research interest is religious pluralization and growth of Pentecostalism in Colombia.


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How to Cite

Cely, J. E., & Beltrán, W. M. (2019). Towards a Typification of Motivations in Pentecostal Ecstasy. PentecoStudies, 18(2), 178-199.