Sons and Daughters, Young and Old
Toward a Pentecostal Theology of the Family
Pentecostal theology, theology of the family, Luke-Acts, eschatologyAbstract
Do Pentecostals have anything distinctive to contribute to Christian discussions on theology of the family or theology of children? After a brief survey of the literature, we will explore the possibility of developing a Pentecostal theology of the family from out of the Day of Pentecost narrative and the Luke-Acts “canon-within-the-canon” – both of which have long been central to Pentecostal spirituality and its theological imagination. Central to such a Lukan and Pentecostal consideration will be the family as an eschatological sign of the coming reign of God. The concluding section will return to sketch trajectories for a pentecostal theology of family in the twenty-first century with implications for a theology of parenting, for filial and sibling relationships, and for thinking about the intergenerational family, all in eschatological perspective.
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