Exemplars of Godly Justice
Peacemaking and Justice Seeking in Dangerous Contexts
peacemaking, justice, risk-takingAbstract
In this paper we describe an interdisciplinary research project that considers the experience and expression of Godly love in Pentecostal and Charismatic exemplars doing peace and justice work in dangerous contexts. The subject of interest is a unique sample of Pentecostal and Charismatic peace and justice workers who tolerate risk and danger so that others may experience greater well being. This theological–psychological study yields insight into ways that perceived encounters with God’s love influence and sustain the risk-taking and transformative ethics of people engaged in social action. Christomorphic (transformed/influenced by Jesus) pneumatology (the work of the Spirit) provides a theo-ethical framework for our study of these peacemakers and justice-seekers who risk their health and lives for others as they consider themselves influenced by their experience, influenced by Jesus and empowered by the Spirit.
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