To Live the Biblical Narratives
Pentecostal Autobiographies and the Baptism in the Spirit
Baptism in the Spirit, narrative, Pentecostal hermeneutics, Charles Finney, T. B. Barratt, Lewi Pethrus, Dennis BennettAbstract
When early Pentecostal leaders tried to understand certain religious experiences they referred to the narratives of Acts. Yet the narratives of these leaders came also to function as interpretations of the biblical narratives. In this process narrative patterns were shaped that have been important, yet also problematic, to Pentecostalism. In this essay two such features are discussed: Spirit baptism as a moment of crisis that leads to a passage from one level in the life of a Christian to a new and higher level, and the traits that should characterize the experience and confirm that it really is a baptism in the Spirit.
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