“For Such a Time as This”

Gender Issues in Twenty-First Century Norwegian and Swedish Pentecostal Churches


  • Åse-Miriam Smidsrød Norwegian School of Leadership and Theology




Gender, twenty-first century, Norway, Sweden, Pentecostal, church


Although there has been a shift from a restrictive to a more egalitarian view regarding women in leadership in Norwegian and Swedish Pentecostal churches, new research has shown that relatively few women are actually ministering as pastors and elders. Although there are no pronounced theological obstacles for women as leaders, many Norwegian and Swedish women still view the movements as male dominated. This article traces the recent debate about women in leadership in Norwegian and Swedish Pentecostalism and highlights some of the female voices that have spoken out against the negligence of male leaders to promote women into leadership positions or as speakers in national conferences. The article further reflects on the relationship between gender issues in society and the situation of female leaders in the Pentecostal Movements and concludes by giving a number of suggestions of how to overcome the status quo.

Author Biography

  • Åse-Miriam Smidsrød, Norwegian School of Leadership and Theology

    Åse-Miriam Smidsrød is a lecturer at the Norwegian School of Leadership and Theology in Stabekk. She holds a professional degree in theology and ministry (cand. theol.) from the Norwegian School of Theology in Oslo. Åse-Miriam has been a pastor in the Pentecostal Church in Tønsberg for ten years and has also, together with her husband, served as a missionary in Bolivia for seven years. She is still involved in missions by travelling to different countries teaching in local Bible schools.


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How to Cite

Smidsrød, Åse-M. (2016). “For Such a Time as This”: Gender Issues in Twenty-First Century Norwegian and Swedish Pentecostal Churches. PentecoStudies, 15(2), 200–220. https://doi.org/10.1558/ptcs.v15i2.31409