Sense and subjectivity

Teaching literature from a sociocultural perspective


  • María-del-Carmen Yáñez-Prieto The Pennsylvania State University, University Park, Pennsylvania



CBI, literature, personal meaning, language-in-use, rules of thumb, aspect, figurative language, agency


The mainstream American undergraduate foreign language curriculum has received major criticism over the last few decades for its conventional separation between language and literature instruction. This unnatural schism is often underpinned by other curricular and theoretical divides such as the separation of language from knowledge and culture. In this view, language is more often than not taught as a repository of rules of thumb mostly concerned with sentence-level grammar. On the other hand, conventional literature instruction often capitalizes on encyclopedic knowledge as a prerequisite for proper interpretation of texts. The present article describes an alternative pedagogy of literature grounded in Sociocultural Theory and other research frameworks, which was implemented in an intermediate Spanish language course at an American university. Data pertaining to aspect and notions of language and texts will be discussed.

Author Biography

  • María-del-Carmen Yáñez-Prieto, The Pennsylvania State University, University Park, Pennsylvania

    María del Carmen Yáñez Prieto holds a Ph. D. in Spanish Applied Linguistics at the Pennsylvania State University, Pennsylvania, USA.


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How to Cite

Yáñez-Prieto, M.- del-C. (2014). Sense and subjectivity: Teaching literature from a sociocultural perspective. Language and Sociocultural Theory, 1(2), 179-203.