Fleer, M., González Rey, F., and Jones, P. E. (eds.). (2020). Cultural Historical and Critical Psychology: Common Ground, Divergences, and Future Pathways


  • Loretta Fernández University of Pittsburgh
  • Joseph Christensen City University of New York Graduate Center




cultural psychology, critical psychology


Fleer, M., González Rey, F., and Jones, P. E. (eds.). (2020). Cultural Historical and Critical Psychology: Common Ground, Divergences, and Future Pathways. Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd. 191 pp. $169.99 (Hard Cover) ISBN: 978-981-15-2208-6; $169.99 (Soft Cover) ISBN: 978-981-15-2211-6

Author Biographies

  • Loretta Fernández, University of Pittsburgh

    Loretta Fernandez, Ph.D., is a Visiting Assistant Professor at the University of Pittsburgh, Department of Teaching Learning and Leading located in Pittsburgh (PA) in a teacher preparation program and master’s in education program. Her work regards mostly qualitative research in world languages, endangered languages, as well as emerging bilinguals’ pedagogy. Her language research is based on sociocultural theory and Systemic Functional Linguistics.

  • Joseph Christensen, City University of New York Graduate Center

    Joseph Christensen attended Brigham Young University where he completed his B.A. in Comparative Literature in 2021 in a program emphasizing Classics, Latin Golden Age Poetry, early modern Italian poetry, as well as Cognitive Literary Studies. He is a student in the MA program for Comparative Literature at the CUNY Graduate center. He is a recipient of the New York based Future Leaders Incubator Fellowship, a teaching fellowship predicated on strengthening historically marginalized communities, and currently teaches Latin courses at the Mary Louis Academy in Jamaica, Queens.


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Book Reviews

How to Cite

Fernández, L., & Christensen, J. (2023). Fleer, M., González Rey, F., and Jones, P. E. (eds.). (2020). Cultural Historical and Critical Psychology: Common Ground, Divergences, and Future Pathways. Language and Sociocultural Theory, 10(1), 106-111. https://doi.org/10.1558/lst.24123