Teaching Domain-Based Figurative Expressions

Designing and Implementing CL-informed SCOBAs


  • Tianfang Wang The Pennsylvania State University
  • Yingliang He The Pennsylvania State University




Cognitive Linguistics (CL) and Sociocultural Theory (SCT) complement each other in L2 pedagogy (Lantolf, 2006, 2011; Masuda & Arnett, 2015). In this study, we unite teaching materials informed by cross-linguistic CL studies and SCT pedagogy – namely, concept-based language instruction (C-BLI) – to teach two Chinese-speaking English-as-a-second-language learners figurative expressions in the MORALITY domain and the concept of conceptual metaphor using several SCOBAs (Schemas for Complete Orienting Basis of Action). We provide microgenetic analysis of two case studies, focusing on each participant’s process of internalization and their interaction with SCOBAs during the pre-test, two instructional sessions, and post-test. Both students demonstrated their abilities to draw on the concept of conceptual metaphor to understand figurative speech in English from domains not limited to morality. In the end, we discuss implications on the design and implementation of SCOBAs.

Author Biographies

  • Tianfang Wang, The Pennsylvania State University

    Tianfang (Sally) Wang is a doctoral candidate in Applied Linguistics at the Pennsylvania State University. Her research interests include the integration of sociocultural theory and cognitive linguistics for second language pedagogy, cross-linguistic conceptual metaphors in Mandarin and English, and classroom interaction within the field of conversation analysis.

  • Yingliang He, The Pennsylvania State University

    Yingliang (Elvin) He is a doctoral candidate in the Department of Applied Linguistics at the Pennsylvania State University. His research uses conversation analysis to investigate academic interaction in classrooms (virtual and face-toface), tutoring sessions, and individual conferences. He also conducts work in cognitive linguistics on cross-linguistic conceptual metaphors.


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How to Cite

Wang, T., & He, Y. (2021). Teaching Domain-Based Figurative Expressions: Designing and Implementing CL-informed SCOBAs. Language and Sociocultural Theory, 8(1), 120-151. https://doi.org/10.1558/lst.19040