Application of a SCOBA in Educational Praxis of L2 Written Argumentative Discourse


  • Ali Hadidi York University



Argument, discourse, Toulmin model, scientific concepts, concept based language instruction, SCOBA, L2 writing, cognitive process theory, mental action


The purpose of this study was to examine if and the way in which a central argumentative discourse schema, as a cognitive tool, was appropriated by an English language learner. There has been little research on the development of L2 written argumentative discourse after a period of instruction and no study, to my knowledge, examining and detailing a systematic pedagogy for L2 learners. Grounded in both C-BLI (concept-based language instruction) and cognitive-process theory of writing (Bereiter and Scardamlaia, 1987), the present study details the appropriation of a central Toulmin (1958/2003) SCOBA, ‘schema for complete orientating basis of an action,’ (Gal’perin, 1989: 70) to mediate the cognitive processes leading to the production of texts that feature argumentative discourse features. The central Toulmin SCOBA and the text generation artifacts that were (co-) constructed during C-BLI will be examined and evidence will be provided for the effectiveness of the SCOBA. There will be a theoretical and empirical discussion of how the SCOBA and its related artifacts made the-rule-of thumb (Negueruela, 2003) and amorphous idea (Vygotsky, 1986) of thesis-support scientific and discrete. In order to guide the teaching-learning of written argumentative discourse, the cognitive processes of writing were conceptualized as mental actions (Gal’perin, 1989). The findings indicate that the learner’s cognitive processes of composing and the quality of his texts improved during and after instruction.

Author Biography

  • Ali Hadidi, York University

    Dr. Ali Hadidi is a Course Director at the Department of Languages, Literatures, and Linguistics at York University, where he teaches humanities and social science to first-year English language learners. His research interests include the application of cognitive psychology and sociocultural theory of mind to L2 educational praxis, and in particular, to L2 writing. 


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How to Cite

Hadidi, A. . (2021). Application of a SCOBA in Educational Praxis of L2 Written Argumentative Discourse. Language and Sociocultural Theory, 8(1), 68-96.