Effect of Mediated Learning in Teacher-Child Interactions in Urban and Rural Primary School Classrooms

An Exploratory Study


  • Marco Antonio Villalta Paucar Universidad de Santiago de Chile
  • Cecilia Assael Budnik Universidad del Desarrollo
  • Ana Esther Delgado-Vásquez Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos
  • William Torres-Acuña Universidad Ricardo Palma
  • Jo Lebeer University of Antwerp




Mediated Learning, Classroom interaction, feedback program, Elementary schools, sociocultural differences


The objective is to analyze teacher-child interactions through Mediated Exchanges (ME) for the promotion of autonomous learning in primary education in different socio-educational contexts. We conducted a quasi-experimental study with an intervention group (IG) and control group (CG), composed of 16 teachers of students between 5 and 7 years of age, of urban and rural schools in Chile. In the IG, we implemented a feedback program. In both groups, actual classes were filmed pre- and post-program, and Raven’s Colored Progressive Matrices Scale (CPM) was applied to 117 participating students. The results indicate that after the feedback, the frequency of ME in the IG increased significantly compared with the CG, in urban and rural classrooms; the children of the IG significantly increased average score ranges obtained in the CPM test. Rural and urban classrooms differed in the kind of mediated exchanges.

Author Biographies

  • Marco Antonio Villalta Paucar, Universidad de Santiago de Chile

    Marco Antonio Villalta Paucar is Psychologist and Doctor of Educational Sciences. Principal Professor at the School of Psychology of the University of Santiago de Chile. Main areas in his research are conversational analysis in the classroom, school culture, and cognitive processes.

  • Cecilia Assael Budnik, Universidad del Desarrollo

    Cecilia Assael Budnik is Special Needs Pedagogue and Doctor of Educational Sciences. Professor at the Faculty of Education of the Universidad del Desarrollo, Santiago de Chile. Main areas in her research are interculturality, meaningful learning, diversity, and inclusive education.

  • Ana Esther Delgado-Vásquez, Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos

    Ana Esther Delgado-Vásquez is Principal Professor in Developmental Psychology at the School of Psychology of the Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos. Her interest relates to child psychology, learning problems, and research counseling.

  • William Torres-Acuña, Universidad Ricardo Palma

    William Torres-Acuña, is Principal Professor of the subject of Test Preparation and Research Development at the School of Psychology of Ricardo Palma University. His main interest is the development of psychological tests as well as counseling on research projects.

  • Jo Lebeer, University of Antwerp

    Jo Lebeer, MD, PhD is medical doctor and PhD in humanistic sciences. Emeritus Associate Professor at the University of Antwerp, Belgium (Faculty of Medicine & Health Sciences, Department of Primary & Interdisciplinary Care, Disability Studies) and invited professor at the Diego Portales University, Santiago de Chile. Main areas in his research are Inclusive Education, dynamic assessment of learning processes, mediated learning, environmental plasticity, and cognitive modifiability.


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How to Cite

Villalta Paucar, M. A., Budnik, C. A. ., Delgado-Vásquez, A. E., Torres-Acuña, W., & Lebeer, J. (2022). Effect of Mediated Learning in Teacher-Child Interactions in Urban and Rural Primary School Classrooms: An Exploratory Study. Language and Sociocultural Theory, 8(2), 239–262. https://doi.org/10.1558/lst.18173