Protolanguage, Mirror Neurons, and the "Front-Heavy" Brain: Explorations in the Evolution and Functional Organization of Language


  • Robin Melrose School of Languages and Area Studies, University of Portsmouth



Protolanguage, Pragmatism, Semiotic Systems, Lexicogrammar, Cognitive Linguistics, Discourse Analysis


In recent years, linguistic research into protolanguage and interpersonal semantics, and neuroscientific research into mirror neurons and the central role of the prefrontal cortex in language processing have provided new insights into how language may have evolved and how it may be functionally organized. This paper attempts to draw together these two strands of research by linking (1) studies of the neural processing of attitude, evaluation and theory of mind to the evolution of interpersonal semantics, and (2) research into mirror neurons and the processing of verbs and nouns to the evolution of ideational semantics. The paper then goes on to investigate the role of the prefrontal cortex in the functional organization of language, concluding that although language is widely distributed in the brain, there is some evidence for distinct ideational and interpersonal pathways in the brain controlled by the prefrontal cortex.

Author Biography

  • Robin Melrose, School of Languages and Area Studies, University of Portsmouth

    Robin Melrose taught English overseas for twenty years, but for the last fifteen years he has taught English and Linguistics at universities in the UK. Working within the framework of systemic functional linguistics, he has published books and papers on syllabus design, literary stylistics, and critical discourse analysis, with the interdisciplinary aim of integrating the work of theorists as diverse as Peirce, Derrida and Foucault into mainstream linguistics. More recently, he has become interested in research into the neural processing of language, believing that systemic functional linguistics has as much to offer neuroscience as neuroscience undoubtedly has to offer linguistics.


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How to Cite

Melrose, R. (2008). Protolanguage, Mirror Neurons, and the "Front-Heavy" Brain: Explorations in the Evolution and Functional Organization of Language. Linguistics and the Human Sciences, 2(1), 89-109.