MC Solaar and the Influence of Globalization on Local Hip-Hop Aesthetics


  • Saesha Senger University of Kentucky



globalization, hip hop, MC Solaar, rap, signifyin(g)


As a transnational phenomenon, rap music has inspired both critiques of globalization and celebrations of locality within the Global Hip Hop Nation. This article contributes to this discussion by incorporating the work of Murray Forman and Doreen Massey on space, place and time as it relates to French rap in general and the work of French rapper MC Solaar in particular. The writing of André J. M. Prévos, Tricia Rose, and others, and analyses of MC Solaar's songs 'Lève-toi et rap' and 'Nouveau Western' illustrate how linguistic and musical vocabularies depict personal, cultural and economic issues within the confines of late capitalism.

Author Biography

  • Saesha Senger, University of Kentucky

    Saesha Senger is a PhD candidate in Musicology and Ethnomusicology at the University of Kentucky. She has presented on topics ranging from the blues to 1990s pop to French hip hop, nationally and internationally. Saesha has published on the French rapper MC Solaar in M/C Journal and in the Journal of World Popular Music. In addition, she has received numerous grants and fellowships while teaching courses on rock and creativity, world music, and the western music canon at the University of Kentucky and West Virginia University.


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How to Cite

Senger, S. (2018). MC Solaar and the Influence of Globalization on Local Hip-Hop Aesthetics. Journal of World Popular Music, 5(2), 213-228.