Looking to the East

Freemasonry and British Orientalism


  • Simon Deschamps Université Toulouse—Jean Jaurès




British Empire, India, Freemasonry, Orientalism


Throughout the eighteenth century, the expansion of the Empire brought the British into closer contact with the Eastern world. The conquest of land went hand in hand with the conquest of knowledge. The East, including India, was systematically explored and revealed to Britain in the form of oriental tales, exploration accounts and scientific investigations. This phenomenon came to be known as ‘orientalism’. For freemasonry, the East had always been the symbolical direction from which light and truth were to rise. The British foothold in India and more so the constitution of the first Indian lodges, starting in 1730, came as an opportunity to explore the potential filiation of freemasonry with the early Indian civilizations. The East was thus more present than ever in the masonic collective imaginary. Where did freemasonry’s interest in Eastern cultures stem from? To what extent can it be said that freemasonry contributed to opening up the East? This article aims to explore the participation of British freemasonry to the orientalist movement of the late eighteenth century.

Author Biography

  • Simon Deschamps, Université Toulouse—Jean Jaurès

    Simon Deschamps is Associate Professor of British Studies at the Université Toulouse—Jean Jaurès, France. He is a member of the research group Cultures AngloSaxonnes (EA 801).


Magazines and Transactions

The Sentimental and Masonic Magazine, Vol. I. London, 1792.

The Sentimental and Masonic Magazine, Vol. II. London, 1792.

The Freemasons’ Magazine, Vol. III. London, 1794.

The Freemasons’ Magazine, Vol. IV. London, 1795.

The Freemasons’ Magazine, Vol. V. London, 1795.

Transactions of the Literary Society of Bombay. Bombay: Longman, Hurst, Rees, Orme, and Brown, 1819.

The Freemasons’ Magazine and Masonic Mirror [online] (October 1860). Available at: http://www.masonicperiodicals.org/

The Freemasons’ Magazine and Masonic Mirror [online] (May 1861). Available at: http://www.masonicperiodicals.org/

The Freemason [online](October 1885): 11.Available at: http://www.masonicperiodicals.org/

Centenary Review of the Asiatic Society of Bengal from 1784-1883. Calcutta: Thacker, Spink and Co, 1885.

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How to Cite

Deschamps, S. (2016). Looking to the East: Freemasonry and British Orientalism. Journal for Research into Freemasonry and Fraternalism, 5(2), 154-171. https://doi.org/10.1558/jrff.v5i2.27212