The Power of the Past

Inventing Traditions in Early Amsterdam Freemasonry


  • Joost Jonker University of Amsterdam



Invented traditions, Dutch Republic, Amsterdam, early freemasonry


The Hobsbawm-Ranger framework of invented traditions is a suitable perspective from which to examine masonic traditions. Examples from early Dutch lodges show how they strove to gain primacy by anchoring their origins as far back in the past as reasonably possible. Though the formal establishment of a Dutch grand lodge in 1756 appeared to consolidate positions, the final act of this struggle for masonic pre-eminence played out as late as the 1930s.

Author Biography

  • Joost Jonker, University of Amsterdam

    Joost Jonker is NEHA Professor of Business History at the University of Amsterdam and Archivist of La Bien Aimée. Ruurd Born assisted with the research and provided valuable comments; James Penn gave many helpful suggestions to the text, Nigel Scott-Moncrieff eased the way towards final publication. The staff of the Cultureel Maçonniek Centrum ‘Prins Frederik’ (henceforth CMC) in The Hague was instrumental in providing me with the necessary archival material.


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How to Cite

Jonker, J. (2016). The Power of the Past: Inventing Traditions in Early Amsterdam Freemasonry. Journal for Research into Freemasonry and Fraternalism, 5(2), 135-153.