L2 English learning books under analysis

a computational study of conjunctions in oral English


  • Maria Angeles Zarco-Tejada University of Cádiz




Cohesion, L2 oral learning texts, language proficiency, linguistic profiling, Coh-Metrix, AntConc, corpus linguistics


In this study we have addressed how cohesion is achieved in L2 oral English learning materials focusing our study on the analysis of conjunctions. We have checked if cohesion is gradually accomplished according to levels of proficiency and if the use of conjunctions in upper level learning materials resembles native speaker standards. Our study proves that cohesion is gradually achieved by L2 oral English learning materials but that proficiency level distinctions based on cohesion cannot be explained in terms of cohesive variables quantitative measures only, but on the combination of statistical results plus qualitative cohesive devices criteria. Our study uses Coh-Metrix and AntConc as computational tools and compares outputs with the British National Corpus (BNC) which shows how ranks of use of cohesive procedures from authentic oral texts should guide learning material makers.

Author Biography

  • Maria Angeles Zarco-Tejada, University of Cádiz

    María Ángeles Zarco-Tejada,PhD. is senior lecturer at the Department of English Philology (University of Cádiz – Spain) and coordinator of the computational linguistics laboratory at the Applied Linguistics Institute (ILA) of the same university.


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How to Cite

Zarco-Tejada, M. A. (2018). L2 English learning books under analysis: a computational study of conjunctions in oral English. Journal of Research Design and Statistics in Linguistics and Communication Science, 4(1), 50-72. https://doi.org/10.1558/jrds.33070